” Propose a New Meeting Time ” in Google Calendar is Making it Easier to Reschedule Meetings
Google Calendar is a scheduling and time management program. It allows to generate and modify the events and meetings. It happens that many times people are unable to make it for a meeting for any reason. So, Google Calendar has added an option “ Propose a New Meeting Time ” , which can make it easy to find a time for the meeting. When a user is invited to a meeting, in addition to responding with yes, no, or maybe, now users can suggest a new time if the present one is not fine for him /her.
Instead of annoying others with a message, “Can’t make it. When will you be free?” or email others unnecessarily, this option can be used.
About New “ Propose a New Meeting Time ” in Google Calendar
With this new feature “ Propose a New Meeting Time ” in Google Calendar, Google is making it simplified for users to reorganize meetings on Calendars. Now, all the unnecessary chatter can be avoided. This new feature enables all the users to propose the alternative times from the application itself. Then, an option is given to the organizer of the meeting to review the timings and accept or reject them. In the side by side view, the availability of Windows of attendees and calendar sharing with the co-workers is also displayed. This makes it easy for users to propose a time, which will work with everybody’s schedules.
Generally, it happens that meeting time reshuffling is carried out in person, in company chat apps, or over email. Google is trying to reduce these annoying techniques by helping users to automate ultra fine office interactions and communications right from the Google Apps.
The new technique proposed by the Google facilitates the user to carry out richer conversations among participants. This cut down the time spent on setting meeting practicalities. Moreover, meetings are made more productive with fundamental team members in the attendance. A part of this newly introduced calendar feature will also equip the user to insert an optional message. It will be helpful to give a context for rescheduling.
When any user is called to any calendar event, they can acknowledge with a reply “Yes”, “Maybe”, “No”, and now “ Propose a New Meeting Time ” in Google Calendar. In case, calendar access permissions are granted, guest members can have a look at other attendees which are available on the side. It is because they can recommend a time, which will suit everyone.
The feature was live in mobile from August 13, but for all web users of Google Calendar, it was available previously.
The most important point to be noted is the rescheduling features is also compatible with Microsoft Exchange and across various domains. The guest members can send proposals to the meeting organizer using Exchange. Also, in return, organizers will get the proposals from guest via Exchange.
Shortcomings of this New Feature
Although it is the most advanced feature of the Google Calendar, there are some limitations. These are written as follows:
- This feature will not work for more than 200 guests
- All day long get together cannot be organized
The Bottom Line
Google has added a new feature “ Propose a New Meeting Time ” in Google Calendar, which makes it more convenient to recommend a different time to invite for a meeting. Previously, guests can respond to the question via yes, no, or maybe. But, now they can propose a new time if the offered timing does not suit them. This advanced feature will be available in G Apps domains and MS Exchange. The only drawback to this approach is that a user can suggest a new time only if the event has less than 200 guests.