Search Like An Expert With These Effective Google Searching Techniques
Just think about how often you turn up to Google to search something. If you are familiar with the nuances of the search engines, no doubt you always end up in getting the valid information you required and maybe some more which only adds up to the information you were looking for. But in case you are not familiar with the techniques by which a search can be made effective then you are among the ones who usually end up in investing more time than is actually necessary.
In case you are also among the users who search in Google by typing a few words or phrases and keep on changing their query until they come across what they require, then you are definitely in a need of learning some useful tips. These tricks are not hard to learn and once you are well acquainted with them, you will perform effective Google searching.
Few Effective Google Searching Techniques
- Be Short & Specific : In order to make your search more effective, avoid using large number of words. The fewer words you tend to use, more effective and precise will be your search.
- Write Phrase In Quotes : In order to search for a phrase without changing the order of the words, do explicit searching by enclosing the phrase within double quotes. For example if you want to search for natural wildlife, you can search for it by typing “digital marketing”.
- Search Specific Site : If you want to search for some data from a certain website, you can use site specific searching in Google.
For example in case you want to search for natural wildlife phrase in a website named, then type “digital marketing” - Exclude Unwanted Results : Suppose you want to search for keyword digital marketing but you want to exclude “SEO” term from it, then you can put a – sign in front of SEO and the search will not include SEO in the results.For example: digital marketing-SEO
- Results Showing Similar Words : Consider that you want a word to be included in your search results. Moreover you also want that the words similar to it or its synonym should also be included in the results, then use symbol”~” in front of the word.For example: “digital marketing”~business
- Specific File Types : If you want to search for a specific file type of the concerned keyword, you can use “filetype” modifier. For instance if you just need PDF files of digital marketing, you can write “digital marketing” filetype:pdf
- Search This Or That : When Google conducts a search, it usually includes all the words mentioned in the search. In case you want to include for a particular word or the other in the search, then you can write OR operator.For example: digital marketing OR SEO
- Use Asterisk (*) : The asterisk symbol tells Google to interpret star as the symbol that can be replaced for the unknown terms so as to enable Google to find best matches.
- Special Searches : Google also enables to search for special terms and items with the help of different syntaxes:
- Phone Listing : You can search for the owner of a particular phone number by just entering the number by typing phonebook:number
- Package Tracking : You can also track your package by typing the package number of FedEx, UPS or USPC packages.
- Weather Info : Just type weather and then the name of the city or its zip code and instantly know the weather of the place.
For example- weather:California - Definitions : In case you want to find the definition of a particular word, then just type define and then the word. You will get the meaning of the word in an instant.
For example- define:nuances - Calculator : If you want to do quick calculations just type the mathematical expression in Google.
For example- 3588/87
The next time you do any search in Google, we believe that the above techniques will prove to be helpful for you and will generate the most appropriate result