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Cyber Attacks: Igniting The Next Recession

Written By Mohit Jha
Anuraag Singh
Approved By Anuraag Singh 
Published On February 6th, 2019
Reading Time 6 Minutes Reading

It’s been more than a decade since the crumple of Lehman Brothers and the sub-sequential financial crisis left the realm bubble burst. At that time, the global economy was confronting one of the biggest financial crises in its history. Thereafter, the world has focused on entrenching banks’ ability to resist financial shocks. How a financial Juncture occurs in this cyber era? Here comes the relevant talks; Cyber attacks: igniting the next recession!! As per reports, people often ponder that the next financial crisis will be triggered by a cyber attack.

Global Recession Cyber Attacks Could Happen Sooner: Gear Up For It

Hackers are equipped for stealing immense amounts of money and prominently siphoned $81 million from the Bangladesh Bank in the year 2016 through SWIFT, a worldwide network used by thousands of foundations around the globe to impart and move cash. The bank wound up accusing the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for permitting the cash transfer to go through. But always cyber security disaster recovery plans won’t bring you solutions to overcome issues. Since the reliance of financial sector on the interconnected digital and online platforms is extending. Due to which the capacities of cyber attackers are becoming more sophisticated. Well, this risk is sufficiently conceivable for public authorities to consider this problem as a very serious issue in their work in the coming years.

As per the report released by Scotia bank, if the US breaks the majority of its trading relationships with its accomplices, by imposing an average sub-charges of 20% then, Mexico and Canada will see their reserve funds decline in 2020. The Internet of Things has made us passive and we all are highly dependent on it for our lifestyle. Now, the awakening will be very tough and painful. The Internet attacks do not affect our physical integrity but, it is theft of our data, infringement of our security, at worst, it is the financial harm.

Cyber Attacks Igniting the Next Recession! Triggers Financial Crisis

Cyber crime solely costs countries more than $1 trillion all around the world, unquestionably more than $300 billion damage that is caused by 2017 natural disasters according to a recent analysis by Oliver Wyman. The most sensational attacks on the Internet have done with Chinese cameras that could deviously make inaccessible vast US sites. This is essentially served as a switch to attack the “classic” Internet. We positioned cyber attacks as the greatest threat confronting the business world today, facing terrorism, resource bubbles, and other dangers. The recession nightmare is the obsession of cyber attackers. Hence, be smart and work together. Otherwise, confront this truly unfortunate fate. Some of the clearest warning signs of the next recession include:

  • Increasing inflation
  • Declining stock market
  • Decreasing home sales
  • Increasingly rising prices

“Cybercrime is anticipated to cost the world $6 trillion every year by 2021. This is proportionally so much more than $306 billion of damage caused by 2017 natural disasters.”

A single attack on a PC or a communication processing network can cause $50 billion to $120 billion economic damage, which is exponentially more than those caused by the hurricanes; Sandy and Katrina. Lately, the Federal Bureau Investigation encountered a warning to banks about an upcoming large-scale attack a.k.a strike by ATMs, amid which Synchronous fraudulent waves withdraw drain bank accounts. A cyber attack can result in three types of damage: loss of accessibility, loss of confidentiality, loss of integrity. Here, the loss of integrity means enduring damage, injury or death.

Protect Your Company Against Cyber Attacks

Organizations need to set up frameworks that enable them to stop the spread of infection from cyber attacks and resume the business as soon as possible. The financial services must be in the full agreement and prepared to incorporate intervention and recuperation methodologies to avoid systemic blackouts. Rules and regulations in some countries have worked perseveringly to plan for the next cyber attacks but they must have a look on their own borders and bound together laws, regulations, and corporation frameworks like Information Security Directive and European Union’s Network.

These are basically designed to protect a consistently increasing list of critical infrastructures, from health and banking systems to online markets as well as cloud services. So many of measures are taken for changing the degrees. However, there is still so much to do. A cyber attack that undermines confidence in these machines could likewise have debilitating results on the flow of cash between clients, businesses, and financial foundations all around the world.

How to Head off Cyber Attacks & Cyber Crimes?

While considering a topic like cyber attack ignites the next recession, it necessary to consider few common doable mistakes for this in an extended way. There are some common mistakes organization usually make, and for which we recommend suggestions to reduce the chances of cyber attacks:

  1. Encrypt Data: All computers and personal information saved in databases and servers must be encrypted. This is the best way to protect sensitive information against hackers.
  2. Smart Passwords: Many organizations use password policies to address reuse and strength user passwords. Yet, the local administration of PC password is often overlooked. Thus, it is advised to use strong and lengthy passwords.
  3. Outbound Data: Just like protecting your system from malware and bots, one needs to ensure that data never gets deleted from the system. Therefore, it is essential to focus on the emergence of filtering as it prevents from releasing the sensitive data and malicious software from the network.
  4. Patches: Hackers always needs a tiny hole in your computer system to get inside of it. Thus, it is essential to run regular scans on your security system and update all software to avoid patches.
  5. Security System: It is recommended to use maximum cyber attack security controls and turn off all the unnecessary services. Also, stop using lowest privileges settings.

Final Thought

Cyber attacks: igniting the next recession!! While there are some unassuming reasons to concern, the majority of the economy’s indicators recommend the development will continue chugging along. Taken all together, it shows up we can breathe a sigh of relief.


By Mohit Jha

Meet Mohit, an accomplished professional serving as an Assistant Digital Marketing Manager and content strategist. As a content strategist, Mohit combines creativity and strategy to craft compelling narratives that captivate audiences and align with brand objectives. With a dual expertise in digital marketing and content strategy, Mohit is your trusted partner in achieving digital excellence.